How many times do we find ourselves caught in a story, running away with an emotion or a belief that impacts how we relate to ourselves or another? How many times is our mind retrieving information from our past - re-telling stories of superiority or victimhood? Or what about dreaming of the future and what it holds or allowing our imagination to distract us from enjoying what is in front of us at that moment? (Imagining is great btw, especially for manifesting - that is a choice of directing energy - what I'm talking about here is runaway thoughts that we attend to without noticing that we are not present). All these situations can feel mentally draining.
If you find that being so involved in the workings of the mind is becoming a distraction, that you feel life is passing you by, or that you could be more present with your needs, your partner or your children. Then these simple techniques could be useful for you!
The trick is to noticing your mind, start paying attention to it. What story is it taking you on and for what purpose? As soon as you notice that is has run off in whichever direction it has, take a deep breath, and kindly, without judgement brings its focus to one of these tips.
1) Feel your body, what position is it in? Where are you right now, what can you see, smell, hear, touch? Bringing your awareness to the senses that detect outside movement is a great starting point for beginning to focus the mind. With this awareness turn it into itself. Really feel exactly where you are - nothing to do - just be right where you are and relax. Stay here for as long as you feel to. If the mind wanders, gently and persistently without judgement, bring it back - time and time again if needed.
2) If you feel out of balance, distracted or overwhelmed, you could train your body to come back to the present moment and therefore equilibrium by using a particular focal point. Something like placing your little finger and thumb together while saying 'body, when I do this action let it help, reset my mind, bringing it into the now'. If you confirm the 'reset button' a few times, then carry that out through periods of overwhelm, just take a moment to notice what has shifted.
3) Another way of bringing focus to the now, is to use a Mantra. Something powerful that resonates throughout your whole being. It could be humming the 'Om' (or Aum - the sound/resonance of the universe) for a few times, really bringing attention to the vibration that it brings. Or the phrase 'I Am', or 'Thank you'. Notice how rejuvenated you feel after using sound as an anchor point for the present moment.
It can take dedication (to yourself and your wellbeing) and practise for these tips to fully integrate within you, but you will notice an immediate difference if you are used to 'living in your head' I was x
In service
12th April 2021