Home...when that word is said in your mind or outloud or felt into, I wonder what type of visual or sensation you receive and what Home looks like for you?
Could it be that place that you've always wanted to live? Is it the feeling you get when spending times with ones dear to your heart? Is it a feeling of sheer contentment in the act of doing something that lights you up inside?
Or...could it possibly be that those are external requirements? that in order to feel home one must achieve, accomplish, bring in that which we feel is missing from our lives in order to feel complete.
I notice how modern societal living doesn't neccesarily encourage anything than mass consumption and distraction with all manner of 'exciting' things to be distracted with..leading us into further programming of what we think is living - leading to fatigue and perhaps even a loss of zest.

And I cannot help but see a deadness through the eyes of many - a sense of forgetting, a sense of longing to feeling something that shows us we are alive and in charge of our lifestyles (which is where addictive tendencies sneak in..having habits that perhaps show us something beyond 'the numbness of normality'), and a sense that life perhaps isn't turning out how it was dreamed of like when we were children.
It's almost like the spark of life that we are born with has become so dim that we are unable to truly feel what it's like to be alive and know the beauty, ingenuity and miraculouness of that!
This is what many ancient traditions point to - not only can they support a way of understanding ourselves and these lives that we find ourselves in, but they also aim to provide tools and wisdom passed through the ages around community, purpose, respect to self/other/planet which for their eyes is the same thing - it's all us.
Working in ceremony and connecting to ancient ancestral traditions has certainly shown me just how much wisdom - amongst other things - is collated from connecting to the natural elements of our physical home, which is what modern societies have forgotton about. However there are many across the planet still intrisically connected, bringing forward traditions from years gone by, and interweaving them through modern technology. My QRP (Quantum Reprocessing) through Zoom is just one of those offerings. Breathwork, Dance, Communal Singing, Yoga & Exercise classes are also rising across the world wide web making it very easy to connect and engage with uplifting and restorative practises.
But...do these online offerings create intimate connections? Something we Human beings ultmately crave within our core - that feeling of belonging, acceptance, uncondtional love - that feeling of being HOME.
What if, right here, right now irrespective of all of the experiences you have been through - the good, the bad, the ugly, the painful, the joyous etc - you could discover your inner sense of Home and feel utterly and wholeheartedly complete within yourself, as yourself - a place of peace that can never be taken or given away.

A sense of being Home - wherever we are what and through whatever we are doing. A space beyond the stories, beyond the beliefs and in-between the incessant mind workings and narration - it's not about just being present - it's about recognising and knowing ourselves as part of creation, about switching the perception from thinking we have a life to discovering that We Are Life....and breathing as that.